Monday, March 9, 2009

Spring Break Boo!

As we grapple with the fact that Barbie is a cougar, it's snowing outside, and my agenda for the day includes figuring out my taxes, reorganizing my sock drawer, and contemplating a 30-page paper, I ask that we take a minute of sadness to acknowledge what today is.


Yup, right now it's spring break at BU Law, which means some people are ignoring state department warnings and traipsing down to Mejico.

Dozens of us, however, instead of going to class, are doing research on how Scalia reads the constitution and why he's wrong.


Perhaps I overreact. Perhaps it's better this way. Perhaps it is time to grow up and leave the decadence of spring break trips to Vegas and Puerto Vallarta behind us.

After all, I turn 25 this year. I'm becoming a grown-up. I'm afraid that, at this point, the only acceptable way to get a woman to get her top off is to give her dollar bills instead of plastic beads.

(Big sigh)

You know what?

I'll be damned if I'm going to let age and responsibility destroy my youth and carefree spirit!

I might not be in Cabo, and it may be Ithacating outside. But no matter.

In observance of this national holiday, I do hereby pledge to go shirtless all week, no matter what.

You're welcome.

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