Monday, March 23, 2009

Is There a Term Besides Mexican You Prefer?

Of course, when we come to the cases in crim pro where we see whether the police can stop a car full of people at the border “just because they look Mexican,” I am not on call.

What intrigues me, though, is that, even though he says that no, they can’t, Justice Brennan in his dissent can’t stop talking about the “suspicious physical and grooming characteristics” of people of Mexican ancestry.

Seriously. He mentions it a dozen times.

And I wonder what he means. Grooming characteristics that the police will take into account for stopping you.

What can they be? Shaving only twice a week? Exuberant chest hair? An aversion to manscaping?


OK, this is getting dangerous. Let’s talk about something else.

Oooh! Look! That squirrel has a bushy tail!

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