Monday, April 20, 2009

The Cruel Trilemma

Happy Fake Holiday everyone!

Boston is not the only state to participate in Patriots' day -- it is also observed in Maine, and, as you might expect, Wisconsin.

Like all charades, however, this is a good one. Patriots' Day is essentially a city-wide Slope Day, where everyone takes the day off and engages in marathon drinking, interrupted solely by visits to Beacon street to see white people chase black people -- a rarity in Boston.

Alas, I must stay in and outline crim pro. Walking from my apartment to the tower, however, necessitates the crossing of Beacon Street. This is, for me, an almost biblical parade of temptation. Shiny, happy people grilling, drinking before noon.

I actually ran into Schnabel and friends. "Hey!" he said, attempting to hand me a "water" bottle. "Are you grilling with us?" I could only hold up my admin book as both a shield to temptation and a mask to hide my grief.

Being a lawyer better be awesome.


Mr. Cooper said...

Prepare yourself for a lifetime of disappointment.

Joe said...

I promise you, Patriots day is not observed in Wisconsin. Maybe it's written in a calendar somewhere, sure, but every I know was pretty damned confused why I didn't have school Monday.