Thursday, October 23, 2008

This T is Just Crackers

With times the way they are, we all need a little hope sometimes. Today I came across this, a guy who has compiled every T expansion proposal ever made and "updated" the T Map to reflect such changes. And, well, look!
My favorite part, of course, is the new yellow line, which will connect Kenmore with Harvard. For those of you unfortunate enough not to live in Boston, Cambridge and Boston proper are separated only by the Charles River, a narrow stretch of water that shouldn't be unassailable. Yet sometimes it seems like it's more difficult to cross than the Rio Grande. I never see people who live in Cambridge.

Going to Cambridge means hopping on a green line (awful in and of itself), taking a 20 minute trolley inbound to government center, transferring to the red line, and then coming back out to Cambridge. There are no buses, at least not in Kenmore, that do this, so, unless you want to take a $10 cab, your buzz will be gone by the time you get to Harvard. Or vice versa.

So this, this wonderful idea, of creating a train that goes across the river, gives me hope that someday, there will be an effective way to get to Cambridge without being put in fear of death.

My only complaint with the proposed map is that, if you look closely enough, it still retains the roughly 2,347 stops on the B line that goes to Boston College. There is no reason for a subway to stop every block. None. This is as unnecessary as Greyhound buses coming back from NYC taking a "quick break" when they reach Framigham. WHYAREYOUSTOPPING? WE ARE THIRTY MINUTES AWAY! LET'S JUST GET THERE. GAH.

Otherwise, the proposed map looks terrific. Let's start building this. Where do I dig?

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