Friday, October 17, 2008

BU and Cornell, Together at Last!

There were several dozen events going on at Jillian's last night. Every group ever, it seems, decided to hold a thing there last night.

Among those in attendance at the hallowed drinking establishment were people going to the Red Sox game, a Young Alumni reunion for a Cleveland high school, two BU Law journals, and the Zinck's crowd from Cornell.

These latter two, of course, provided an excellent opportunity for me. See, I've always wanted to do the bit where you go on two dates at the same time, and then spend the entire evening making up excuses to get up, all so you can alternately attend to both special and unique ladies. Because I can't find one date, let alone two, doing this has proved impossible.

But last night would have been perfect. "Hey, you're here for the Cornell reunion!" "Yeah, awesome, remember Happy Dave? Hold on I need to go to the bathroom." Then I saunter over to the journals. "Hey, isn't tech check a bitch?" "Not as much as the note will be. Hold on, I need to make phone call."* And repeat until I Mrs. Doubtfire myself into the fraud I really am.

Then I realized it would fail completely. There's no way anyone would believe I'm in a journal, mostly because I can neither read nor write. So there that went. I did, however, proceed to skim off their free beer, so thank you, Banking Journal, for that.

* Since I am not on a journal, I have no idea what either of these are. But, from the screams I periodically hear from the library, I assume they're bad news bears.

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