Friday, October 17, 2008

Gas Who?

The gas station outside my apartment is currently peddling its wares for the insanely low price of $2.79 a gallon. Just this summer, when prices were skyrocketing every day, peaking here at $4.39, Schnabel and I were wondering whether gas prices would be at $5.00 by year's end. We even made a bet on it, and, of course, I bet him that they would be. Now, I owe him a drink.

Lesson to take away from all of this? If I ever propose a bet to you, take it.

ps. Isn't it weird to think that, in general, we were probably better off when gas cost you two arms and a newborn?

1 comment:

Mr. Cooper said...

I bet you that the Patriots win last year's Super Bowl.

Too soon?