Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Quote of the Day XX

Do Stupid People vote? That's hard to say. Certainly, some will forget to. Others will remember to vote, but not how to get out of their own homes. Of those who make it out of their homes during voting hours, many will make simple mistakes. Eat their ballots. Enter the voting booth only to urinate and leave. And some will build a nest in the booth and stay through the winter.
-- John Oliver

1 comment:

Marco Polo said...

El Meyco!!!
Cabron, encontré tu blog gracias al Amarillo. Buena onda guey. Ya lo estuve leyendo y sigues igual de ñoño pero adorable que siempre. Sabes que se te quiere y un chingo. Ademas de que se te extraña. ¿Que pedo, vienes para navidad? escribeme a mi correo
un abrazo
el morro