Thursday, October 2, 2008

Like a Lamb to the Slaughter

I'm not sure why I'm looking forward to tonight's VP debate. I don't really think anything substantive will come of it, to be honest. Biden will no doubt make a reference to that phone call Lincoln took the morning Texas seceded from Mexico, overarticulate rehashed talking points and be painted as overbearing, while Palin will stumble through banal generalities in her bewildering Minnesota accent. The most salient feature, of course, will be her frozen smile, the one she's been wearing all through the train wrecks that are her interviews.

That smile reminds me of the time my buddy, a long time ago, bragged and trash talked so much that he suddenly found himself with no recourse but to jump between two roofs three stories up and fifteen feet apart on a dare. He had no idea how things escalated so quickly, but he climbed the fire escape with that same smile, imagining that somehow, with a headwind, prayer, and whole lot of luck, he could maybe clear the distance and land in a heap, bruised and beaten, on the other roof. Mostly, however, he was just hoping not to end up a broken mess on the ground.

And I guess that's why I'm watching. To see if she actually lands on the other roof, or if I I'll have an awesome story about that time Paul fell off the roof.

And can we stop saying she's "a heartbeat away from the presidency"? Technically, she's a failed heartbeat away from the presidency.

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