Thursday, December 11, 2008

This Conversation Is Going Nowhere

I know the content of this blog has suffered during LOCKDOWN. I have little time, plus, there's simply very little to report on during LOCKDOWN, other than what happens at the library. And, despite their inexplicable popularity, libraries are really not that exciting places to be.

Case in point. Today I suspended LOCKDOWN for a couple of hours and went to one of the monthly Cornell Young Alumni gatherings. And it's great, because they're the first non-law school people I've seen in a month, having the first conversations about non-law school things I've heard in a month.

The things is, I can't contribute to these conversations. Literally nothing is happening to me. I had a conversation today that went something like this:

Them: Hey, how you been?
Me: Good, you know, studying.
Them: Yeah?
Me: Yeah, pretty much just studying.
Them: Cool, cool.
(Awkward Silence)
Them: So did you watch the last Heroes?
Me: Nope.
Them: Any movies?
Me: No, not recently.
Them: Any books? Magazines? Anything?
Me: Sorry.
Them: Nothing new, no funny stories, nothing has happened to you. Nothing.
Me: (Shrugs)
Them: Ok.
(Awkward Silence)
Me: Oh! So this is really funny. So there's this girl in the library, right? She has this really funny sneeze. She'll sneeze like ten times in a row.
Them: Right.
Me: (Actually excited about this story) And she does this every day. And everyone kind of looks up and laughs. And it's really funny.
(Awkward Silence)
Me: And it happens every day, and still everyone laughs. And it's kind of become something to look forward to. You know? Because, when she sneezes, everyone laughs. And it's nice, that everyone does that. Because ... you know. We look forward to it.
Them: ...
Me: ...
Them: ... Ok. Cool. Listen I'm going to go see how (looks around) the waitress is doing, OK? I'm going to go see how she's doing, 'cause... yeah.

And I understand completely. My life is like a Samuel Beckett play, only more depressing.

In a week, LOCKDOWN will be over, I'll be back to doing things like accidentally ending up in New Jersey and telling stories about homemade bungee cords. But for now, bear with me. With hope, prayer, and a little courage, we'll all get through this together.


lozada said...

i unknowingly sat diagonally across from sneezing girl two days before the evidence final, it was amazing.

Caitelizabethb said...

In addition to not having anything interesting to contribute to conversations, I even have a hard time forming complete and coherent sentences. I also have been having a hard time doing simple tasks simply. For some reason stapling paper together yesterday was quite the production and challenge.
I'm pretty sure that studying for this nonsense is burning away the actual brain matter that we will need for the rest of our lives, whereas I plan on forgetting everything I've learned in Constitutional Law immediately after the proctor says STOP. TIME IS UP.

lozada said...

thought you might enjoy this:

from the sports guy's blog:

"34. Check out this Bengals flask for 37 bucks. Such a thoughtful gift for Bengals fans. No, seriously. What's funny is that the prices of the flasks differ depending on the team. Shouldn't they be charging triple for the Lions flask?"