Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Hot Truck

What's my favorite car? That's an easy one.

It's trucks that make sandwiches.

Unfortunately, the pioneer and creator of the Hot Truck, one of Cornell's two mobile dining establishments, has passed away.

He is survived by the most delicious freaking sandwiches you'll ever have at 3 in the morning. Seriously. There's nothing that can approximate the happiness of receiving a piping hot Sui when your fingers are numb from the cold and/or the inebriation. And then getting to share with others -- to literally break bread with your friends -- well, if that's not college drunk food at its finest, then I don't know what is.

I'm going to go ahead an eat an artery-clogging, heart-attack-inducing, grease-dripping, pants-staining sandwich for lunch today. And it might take some years off my life, but at least I'll be happy.

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