Sunday, December 7, 2008

No, Wait! Finish! Finish!

So last night LOCKDOWN was suspended for a couple of hours because a good friend was in town. The warden Ok'd it because I promised to stick to a three-drink maximum, which I did.

In any case, we were at the Black Rose. At some point, I needed to use the bathroom. When I walked into the bathroom, there were two guys in there, having one of those heart-warming "I really love you, man. No, I mean, for real. Actual love. We don't say it enough, man, but I do, I really do love you. Because real brothers tell each other when their girl is no good, and you did that, man, which I appreciate like you have no idea. I love you, brother. Come here," moments. And they proceeded to do the man-hug.

The problem is, they were both still at the urinals, and neither was quite finished. So what was supposed to be a man-hug turned into one guy jumping out the way, going "No, wait! Finish first! Finish!" and the other guy being very confused and ... well, let's just say the janitor was probably very unhappy later.

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