Thursday, May 28, 2009

Boston Charlie

I am going to get a wicked Boston accent this summer. Remember when Detroit-native Madonna spent some time in London and now speaks as though she was from Yorkshire?

The same thing is going to happen to me. In the office, everybody's accents range from a moderate and subtle Bob-is-now-a-one-and-a-half syllable word accent to the Kevin Costner-inspired "Jack, if we don't staht now, those smaht-ass pricks up at Hah-vahd will have no-wheah to pahk the-ah cahs," flavor.

I think I might land somewhere in the middle there, and will only get worse when I'm in my cups. The amount I drink, however, will in all probability be inversely proportional to the amount of R's I use.

It could be worse, though. It could be a Southern accent. And then how would you like 'dem apples... um.. y'all?

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