Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Speaking of Baffling Law Prom Themes

Our Law Prom theme is the Kentucky Derby? Really? Was Westminster Dog Show taken? Is that what they're doing up at B.C.?

In any case, I hear the Derby is actually a shitshow. But so is the Daytona 500. And that shouldn't be a prom theme.

But meh. Themes are largely unimportant. I didn't know there was a theme to our last prom until six months after the fact.

Also, the Kentucky Derby features horses. Back in high school, we had a kid who we nicknamed "The Carousel." This was because every time we'd go out, he'd start walking around the club, making laps, walking in a perpetual circle, vainly looking for somebody to mount.

So, only tangentially related, but I guess it bodes well for the event's purposes.

The most surprising thing is that it's at the Park Plaza again, which strikes me as odd. I thought we were banned from that hotel since we got kicked out last year because some girl, um, missed the toilet. Ladies and gentlemen, your future lawyers of America!

But hey, the recession has already been compromising our principles for six months now, so what the hey. Let's not get kicked out this time. Please.


Enza said...

Prom has ruined my birthday and this theme bullshit has ruined my outfit. THEREFORE MY LIFE!
Have fun in Vegas!
If for whatever reason you wake up next Wed in Tijuana (it happens), give me a call, I'll be all west coast.

Unknown said...

If you love Harry Potter then a Yule Ball is one of the best prom themes for you. Recreate the magic with twinkling lights, Christmas trees and wizard robes. It will be totally cool.