Tuesday, February 24, 2009


As Rob said, this is what happens "when shadies get too shady."

The fine folks over at Skull & Bones are being sued by the descendants of Geronimo.

Everyone knows that playing on an Indian burial ground is bad juju. Poltergeist, The Amityville Horror and other such documentaries have taught us this.

Nevertheless, the kids at Yale decided grave-robbing was a good use of their time and took to desecrating graves.

Apparently, they got the wrong one, although the complaint conveniently ignores that. It's just as well that this happened dozens of years ago. Bush the lesser would have probably thought that Geronimo was what someone shouted when you pushed them off a cliff.

There are also various reports that their Tomb also houses the skull of Pancho Villa. The most iconic Mexican of them all. And the Bonesmen have it.


We should have that skull. We can totally get it. If law school has taught me anything, is that stealing something stolen is not stealing.

. . .

I have no chance of passing the bar.

In any case, I say to, um, our group (you know who you are) that we turn what should only be a shady-to-shady prank into an international incident.

Sure, they have former presidents. But some of us can do this:

Bring it, John Kerry. Bring it.

1 comment:

Tom Noble said...

Haha I love it. You know I'm always in.

And Jesus...Mitch is a bad, bad man.