Thursday, September 4, 2008

Schokoladd, Kayke & Chreem

So I'm sitting in class today, trying to decipher the business-speak used in Mergers & Acquisitions (I used to think a stock was what they tend to put me in. Now I know it goes beyond that! Thanks, Wikipedia!). And I'm just typing away when my phone rings. So I pick it up and I notice it's a Boston land line. My thoughts?


When I regained my composure, I took a deep breath, looked at the number, and Googled it to see who it was. You know, so I can post it on my Facebook status so everyone knows what callbacks I have 'cause that's exactly what douchebags don't do, right?

So I google the number, and it's a bakery. And it looks like they've delivered a cake to my apartment.

Apparently, my parents got me a birthday cake (Thank you, Mom and Dad!).

So, no callback, but cake. On balance, a good day, right? I get to go home to cake, which is terrific, and I hope it's chocolate, although it won't be until 8 because of the immigration problem.

So I'm really, really, really hoping it's not ice cream cake.

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