Monday, September 8, 2008

Fine, Call it Guacamole

So, over the weekend, I noticed that the mole in my forehead had swelled up. One night it was nice and flat and toned, the next it looked like a governor's baby's belly. Being that this is a mole, and, like a model, it really shouldn't change in shape, size or tone, I had it checked out.

And I'm happy to report that the mole is not there anymore. If I was once Cindy Crawford, I am now Heidi Klum. The mole has been removed, excised and herewith banished. The doctor went INS on its ass and, after a stopover in a lab, it is likely to go back from whence it came.

The problem is, now I have a huge hole on my forehead. It looks like I was shot in the head. Given the terrible news today, I just want to go on the record to state that I did not attempt to commit suicide over either this or this. The hole is intentional, it is occasioned by medicine, and should disappear in the next couple of weeks.

I have to say, though, that this scar, coupled with the gashes in my hand I obtained earlier this summer because of an unfortunate cooking accident bear attack, means chicks will henceforth dig me. Now if only I knew any.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

When I read the Rulloff's "news" yesterday in the Sun, I immediately thought of you, and, well, me, too, especially considering it closed first on a Tuesday night and that was SH night. And then I also thought how sad it would be if Rulloff's were closed when you were visiting Ithaca. I hope that doesn't happen! Sounds like a nightmare, and I hope I didn't sadden you more with my initial thought. It saddens me greatly, too. I couldn't imagine 10 days without! Isn't that sad?