Monday, November 30, 2009

The Price is Wrong, Bitch

“The plaintiff submits that it is ‘completely unreasonable’ to suggest that the defendant could reliably hit a ‘Happy Gilmore’ shot, let alone after consuming at least nine beers and half a pint of tequila.”

Haven't we all been there?

A judge -- who hails from Canadia, where fun goes to die --has just ruled that the "Happy Gilmore shot" breaches a duty of care on the golf course. Therefore, if you hurt someone with it -- and you will -- you might be liable for damages.

As always, lawyers are the first to suck the fun out of everything. What will be the next sports move ripped off from a movie to fall? The Flying V? The Annexation of Puerto Rico?

God, what if they outlaw the knucklepuck? Is nothing sacred anymore?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did the person get hit with the club or the ball?