Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Astronaut Charmer

On How I Met Your Mother last night, Barney Stinson, free from the shackles of a relationship, re-opened The Playbook -- a collection of tricks, cons, spiels, etc. to get women to go home with you.

Sprinkled in between gems such as the "Don't Drink That," the "Lorenzo von Matterhorn," and the "My Penis Grants Wishes," Barney unveiled the "Snasa."

The gist of it?

You tell a woman you're an astronaut.

Ladies, and gentlemen, I've used that line. I've gone up to girls at bars and told them I was an astronaut and they believed me!

So imagine my wonder -- nay, pride! -- when the most enlightened character in television history used one of my shticks to woo blondes who'll believe anything if you say it with equal parts conviction and nonchalance.

While Barney gussied it up and added the "secret" prefix to NASA (hence, "Snasa"), I feel like a young rookie QB who has just seen Tom Brady go into a game and use one of the plays I've drawn up.

I could not be prouder.

And now, for my next trick, I'll be playing the part of "The South American Vintner."


Mr. Cooper said...

What, no Mrs. Stinsfire?

Caitlin said...

I'm pretty sure it's you believing that they believed you were actually an astronaut that's the funniest part.