Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Day the Mustache Died

I'm afraid I have a disappointing announcement to make.

Despite my best efforts, I have been forbidden from growing a mustache by my supervisor at the criminal clinic.

I explained that they were for charity and that literally dozens of us were growing them around America.

Nevertheless, it seems that, at the courts, some judges don't take us seriously, mostly because we're students. And it would behoove us not to add fuel to the fire of not-being-taken-with-seriousness by growing sketchy facial hair.

So unfortunately I was forced to shave before I was allowed to represent our clients in a court of law. I apologize to all those who were looking forward to seeing the Chester the Molester version of me.

On the plus side, at least now parents won't take their children and flee when they see me walking down the sidewalk.

I am as disappointed as everyone. Still, you can donate to either my phantom mustache or to the actual courageous mustaches of my fellow growers by clicking here. Thank you.

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