Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Steve Jobs Truffle

I'll never forget where I was the day I could finally, finally, listen to The Beatles on my computer.

Perhaps the best part of this is I can finally stop using my Discman, which was, until today, the only way to have "A Day in the Life" be a portable song that goes where I go. And it's about time too -- those spongy black things around the earbuds on the headphones were really starting to chafe.

Best of all, now that I don't have to use my old cassette tapes, I can easily skip "Revolution #9" without wearing myself out on the Fast Forward button.

And it's a real nice "screw you" to lawyers and their 30-year lawsuits. Lawyers, as always, ruin everything.

So thank you, thank you, thank you, Steve Jobs, for making it possible for me to finally hear "Hey Jude," the way it was meant to be heard -- coming out of my computer speakers.

Na na nara na naaaa.

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