Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Little Giants

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the San Francisco Giants the least objectionable team in three years to win the World Series. I would also like to express my gratitude to both the Giants and the Rangers for knocking out both the Phillies and the Yankees, thus freeing me from the burden of praying for a meteor.

The Giants are a likable team, and I feel happy for their fans. If I have any regrets, it's that the Red Sox didn't make the Series to play against them. This would have undoubtedly fed the machine that is Red Sox Nation more hubris than anyone ever thought possible, let alone advisable. However, this would have been worth it, if only for the image of Tim Lincecum leaving a Fenway Park start and being ambushed by Ben Affleck and his town buddies on his way to the clubhouse. Then this would have happened.

Missed opportunities.

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