Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Fourth of Jew-ly

Well, today's deluge seems to have stopped for the time being. Hopefully the weather gets better and lets the sun smile upon this, America's birthday. Happy Birthday, America!

This weekend, over a dozen Cornellians are descending upon Boston for a 4th of July visit, and will invade four apartments as house guests. I myself am lucky enough to be housing three or four of these guys, good friends all. My apartment will no doubt resemble a war zone by this point Sunday afternoon.

Weekend activities include a fancy steak dinner, a Red Sox game, fireworks, grilling, a softball game, and copious amounts of celebrating the anniversary of the day America rid itself of both the British and/or bad teeth.

The best (?) part is, every single one of the people here this weekend will be Jewish. Remember the good old days of Three Jews and a Mexican? This will be 19 Jews and a Mexican. If it sounds like the premise for a horror movie, it's because it would make a great one. If only they didn't run Hollywood, I could be smelling Oscar.

I am now going to go eat everything but the ham in my refrigerator. Bwahahaha.

1 comment:

Mr. Cooper said...

I agree -- that IS the best part.