Wednesday, July 1, 2009

We Landed on the Frickin' Moon!

First words uttered on the moon:
"This is one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind."
-- Neil Armstrong, 7/21/69

Last words uttered on the moon:
"Let's get this mutha outta here."
--Eugene "Geno" Cernan, 12/15/72

Yes, really.


Mr. Cooper said...

It's Cernan, not Cernano. Stop trying to make everyone Mexican.

Mr. Cooper said...

Also, Armstrong landed on the moon in 1969. And I think Cernan went by "Gene".

What the hell kinda amateur crap are you trying to pull?

Mr. Cooper said...

Given how shoddily researched this post was, I decided to go ahead and click that link you so generously provided for us. And did I find the Cernan quote referenced? On the contrary:

"According to Apollo 7 astronaut Walter Cunningham in his book "The All-American Boys" Gene's last words on the Moon were "Let's get this mother out of here." During the mission review in Santa Fe, Gene was surprised not to hear those words but what seems likely is that what he was remembering was his "Now, let's get off." at 188:01:25 and that, in later tellings, the wording changed to the more colorful version Cunningham quotes."

Marc said...

Mr. Cooper: you are a huge, huge nerd. And this is me saying this.

Charlie said...

Typos corrected. And I stand by what everyone says is the true story.