Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hulu Confidential

Incidentally, Hulu just made available, for our pleasure, the entire run of Kitchen Confidential on its website.

This is a show that premiered five years ago and made only thirteen episodes. Of those thirteen, only four were ever broadcast.

Yet it is excellent, and remains a charter member of the great-but-canceled club. It is loosely based on Anthony Bourdain's book of the same name and stars Bradley Cooper in his pre-Hangover days, but already in full asshole-at-the-party mode. You also need to overlook the fact that the show is set in a NYC kitchen that is staffed with maybe 10 percent Mexicans. Anyone who has ever eaten in a NYC restaurant will know that the number needs to be at least 99 percent.

Regardless, I heartily recommend it.

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