Friday, October 22, 2010

Hammer Time

Usually, I enjoy procrastinating, and Halloween is no exception. Come the 31t of October, you can usually find me standing in my closet after dinner, scanning my clothes and figuring out which combination thereof would serve as an adequate costume.

Of course, I could go out and be creative and buy things and make things and fashion a good costume. But that involves a lot of work. And I don't mean to be lazy, but it's too much work to not be lazy.

And then I learned that the first Halloween would be this weekend. As in tonight, a full 9 days before the actual date. This cut my procrastinating time significantly. It was quite the pickle.

So I sat down, rubbed my chin pensively, and commenced to think. What would be a good costume?

The first idea was to go as Don Draper. This would be a terrific costume, except the materials involved in its making are already ones that I use on an everyday basis. I'm already the guy in the suit with a glass of Scotch in his hand when I go out to bars. This would only be a costume if hanging out around other people in costumes were considered a costume. I suppose I could take up smoking, except people would say, "you didn't dress up for my Halloween party and now you're smoking in my house?" Also, I'd rather not get cancer.

Similar concerns nixed Barney Stinson, costume idea number two.

Other costumes seemed played out. Everyone and their mother will dress up as Chilean miners. This is the first Halloween where the Jersey Shore has existed, so expect a lot of that. What about Lady Gaga, or someone from Glee? Please. I'd rather stay sober during Halloween.

And then it struck me. I had a difficult time thinking of someone who is awesome but does not wear a suit. A main character in an old but awesome, Emmy-award winning, terrifying musical blog.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Captain Hammer, of the excellent Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.

Superficial, in love with himself, and boasting a self-esteem that outkicks its coverage? I'm not even going to have to act. In fact, I'm going to have trouble refraining from speaking in a superhero voice for a couple of weeks, so fair warning.

It's perfect, it's easy, and I have assembled a costume that looks like it was stolen from the show. I've already recruited a Dr. Horrible, and, with a little luck, a Moist.

So fear no more, America. Captain Hammer is here.

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