Thursday, February 11, 2010

No Sno

Yesterday, I found myself between a rock and a hard place.

A rock: having to go to class instead of taking an awesome nap.

Hard place: Having one foot of snow and slush on the ground.

And then, school was cancelled. And then we (oh happy day!) barely got a sprinkle of snow – to say that we had an inch of snow would be an overstatement.

So we found ourselves with the best of both worlds. No school, on account of a snow day. And then no snow, on account of faulty forecasts based largely on the panic coming out of Washington.

So, on behalf of the happy people of Boston, I would like to thank the residents of Washington DC. Yes, you got 40 inches of snow. But your complete and utter overreaction – cannibalizing grocery stores until they looked like something out of Soviet Russia is the least of it – is directly responsible for getting people so riled up at the prospect of Snowmageddon. So much so that Boston, despite the ultra-seasonable threat of 6 inches snow – which here ain’t that much – led to a false alarm and pre-emptive cancellations. We had no school, and then did not have to deal with the consequences. I could not be happier.

Karma’s going to come in and bury us with a Nor’easter come April, but right now I’m telling you. That nap was totally worth it.

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