Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Will Watch Your Vampire TV Show With You

I would like to congratulate the Saints of New Orleans for winning the Super Bowl, sparing us the loathsomeness of a Colts championship, and for re-introducing us to the Peyton Manning face.

I would like -- love -- to be on Bourbon Street right now.

I would like to apologize to my friend Rob for elbowing him in the face during my celebration of Tracy Porter's backbreaking interception. My hope is repeated watching of the Peyton Manning face helps him convalesce.

I would like to commend Sean Payton for having the balls to call for an onside kick to kick off the second half. That absolutely turned the game around.

I would like to thank Bud Light for letting us know that, in the sideways world where Oceanic 815 never crashed, Dr. Pierre Chang is a drunk astronomer.

I would like to remind everyone that The Who is actually awesome, and not the awful cover-band-like fiasco we saw tonight that would have gotten booed off the stage at a wedding. They also -- despite their claims -- did not use to be complete and utter sell-outs.

I would like to renew my vow never to eat at a Denny's.

I would like to confess that, during Google's commercial that told the story of a couple from courtship to baby via Google Searches, every single person at our Super Bowl party was rooting for the last search to be "French Divorce Laws," "Do Extradition Treaties Cover Crimes of Passion," or "Le Abortion Clinics."

I would like to apologize to Tim Tebow for the previous joke.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

(1) Sean Payton went to my high school.
(2) I cried during the Google commercial.
(3) I've never taken more shots of whiskey on a Sunday night in my life.
(4) The TPain commercial was the best.

that is all.