Thursday, August 7, 2008

Pre-Parental Apartment Clean-Up

My parents are coming to visit next week. This includes my mother. This means, of course, that this weekend will be one hundred percent devoted to cleaning the apartment.

And, because such is the nature of the beast when parents come to town, this will be no ordinary clean-up. This will be a full-blown, DEFCON 1, all hands on deck, dig the trenches deeper, maximum security lockdown, shut down the borders and evacuate the president to an undisclosed location clean-up.

My apartment is fairly clean. Almost too clean for a guy my age. But there is dust on the bookshelves and I haven't quite gotten around to vacuuming in a few weeks. And by weeks I mean months.

So, by this time next weekend, my apartment is going to smell like the Febreeze factory exploded. It's going to get a rogering like it's never seen before. I'm really going to go to town on it. It's going to squeak it's so clean. Someone just say "that's what she said" before I overextend myself.


Laura said...

Does this mean you're having a "drink all the alcohol before my parents come" party? If so, I'll come :)

Cindy said...

did you un-tilt the bookshelves?? i sure hope not :P