Sunday, December 12, 2010

Random Video of the Day LXXXII

For those of you who go around singing "Let it Snow" and "White Christmas" and otherwise subscribe to the notion that snow is an essential part of any winter wonderland and upon seeing that first snowflake of the season immediately run outside and jump up and down and start making snow angles, I present Exhibit A in the case of Charlie v. Snow.


To see that video and continue to deny that snow is an evil substance that should be shunned, reviled, and abhorred is irrational. It flies in the face of logic, reason, and the powers of human observation. Snow is bad. It is more that bad. Snow is the worst.

Somehow, it hasn't snowed in Boston yet. But rest assured, dear reader, that upon the first snowfall of the season, I will be out there, with a hair dryer and a portable generator, doing my best to destroy the snow before the snow destroys us.

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