Friday, December 3, 2010

Random Video of the Day LXXXI

Watch this. Trust me. And then we'll discuss.

Have you watched it? Good.

In modern times, it seems the sixth circle of Hell is populated by the likes of Carlton, Costanza, and the Hulk. Along with a vaguely recognizable cast of thousands of members of the F-list, they lip synch (poorly) to "Let it Be." And why? To appear on a Norweigan television show.

I wish I was making it up. But there you have it. Heck, they even convinced the surviving member of Milli Vanilli to lip synch. Milli Vanilli! Remember how that ended up? Yeesh.

God bless the internets.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe you just made me watch that. You owe me six minutes.