Monday, January 4, 2010

Duff Beer For Me, Duff Beer For You

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have now had the privilege to drink the finest beer that Springfield has to offer:

Yes, it's true. That's a real Duff Beer.

No, I have neither found the state where Springfield actually is, nor have I finally met Duffman.

The actual truth, unfortunately, is much more mundane. Some genius realized that Duff was not a registered trademark in Mexico and so it was that actual Duff Beer was born, available in selected bars.

As for its taste, it's pretty much what you'd expect. I imagine it was much better ten years ago.


hippie said...

si, sabe a rayos... y de hecho el dueƱo de la marca es un... ABOGADO! (obviamente)

Unknown said...

Those guys are getting sued right now actually, well, they were when I was watching a taping of Three Sheets and Zane Lamprey went to the brewery. Still, its awesome.