Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Death of a Scrabulous

I guess someone should say a few words.

Thanks to lawyers, the most popular device ever to sustain law students lies broken at our feet, letter boxes scattered willy nilly, as if your younger brother had just lost a game, and flung it in his fury.

Only this time, no one will pick up the pieces.

Scrabulous, I never played you. I did, however, watch my classmates take to you with great abandon, at the expense of their understanding of civil procedure. It comforted me to know even classholes were not immune from your charms, and could spend hours trying to make a non-Czech word using only X, Y, and T. You certainly gave us some difficult times. Who can forget the great vowel shortage of '03? Or the B embargo of '06?

I'm glad you died peacefully in your sleep, and not in the middle of class. I can only imagine the riots that would have occurred, as people slowly realized they had to pay attention to Secured Transactions.

May you rest in pieces.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky for you Scrabulous is still available in Mexico